The brain, often referred to as the central control unit of our body, is a phenomenal organ that governs our thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and sensory information processing. Its structure is incredibly complex and fascinating, consisting of billions of nerve cells called neurons, along with a vast number of connections between them. This brilliant machine is composed of different parts, each playing a specific role in our daily functioning.
Parts of the Brain and Their Functions
1. Cerebellum: Located in the lower part of the brain, the cerebellum is crucial for motor coordination, balance, and muscle control. Additionally, it is involved in cognitive processes such as movement planning and sensory processing.
2. Cerebrum:
Cerebral Cortex: It forms the outer layer of the brain and is responsible for advanced cognitive functions such as thinking, learning, memory, and motor control.
Temporal Lobe: Located in the lateral part of the brain, the temporal lobe is primarily
associated with auditory processing, memory, facial recognition, and emotion regulation.
Frontal Lobe: Responsible for executive functions such as planning, decision-making, impulse control, and monitoring social behavior.
Parietal Lobe: Mainly involved in sensory processing and motor coordination.
Occipital Lobe: Involved in processing visual information and identifying objects and people.
3. Limbic System: Responsible for regulating emotions and motivational behaviors. It includes structures like the hippocampus, which plays a significant role in memory processes, and the amygdala, which is crucial for processing emotions, particularly fear and aggression.
4. Hypothalamus: Controls vital functions such as body temperature, sleep, and hormone secretion by the pituitary gland.
5.Brainstem and Medulla Oblongata: Responsible for autonomic functions such as breathing, heart rate, and other involuntary functions.
Additionally, the brain is divided into two hemispheres – the left and right – each with unique functions:
Left Hemisphere: Primarily the center for language and speech. It houses Broca's area, responsible for speech production, and Wernicke's area, involved in language comprehension. Moreover, the left hemisphere is mainly responsible for logical and analytical thinking, mathematical processing, problem-solving, and fact-based decision-making. It also controls movement on the right side of the body.
Right Hemisphere: In contrast to the left hemisphere, the right hemisphere is primarily associated with processing sensory information related to spatial perception and visual perception. It enables us to recognize spatial patterns, orient ourselves in the environment, and perform tasks related to spatial perception, such as reading maps or drawing. Additionally, the right hemisphere is associated with interpreting emotions and creative thinking, creativity, and imagination.
It's worth noting that the left and right hemispheres of the brain are strongly interconnected and collaborate in daily tasks. Although they have different functional specializations, their cooperation allows for comprehensive information processing and performing various tasks. For example, during reading, the left hemisphere may analyze words and grammar, while the right hemisphere helps in interpreting the emotional content of the text and imagining described scenes.
Dysfunction in one hemisphere of the brain can lead to disorders in the overall functioning of the brain. For example, damage to the left hemisphere may result in speech and language difficulties (aphasia), while damage to the right hemisphere may affect the ability to recognize faces, spatial perception, and emotion interpretation. Therefore, the harmonious cooperation of both hemispheres of the brain is crucial for the smooth functioning of our minds.

Impact of Trauma on the Corpus Callosum: Causes and Consequences:
The corpus callosum, also known as the cerebral commissure, is an essential part of our brain, playing a crucial role in integrating the functions of both hemispheres. It is the largest bundle of myelinated fibers in the brain, connecting areas of both the right and left hemispheres.
It consists of three main parts:
1. The anterior part, which connects the prefrontal cortex, where the limbic system is located.
2. The middle part, which connects the motor, sensory, and auditory cortices.
3. The posterior part, which connects the parietal and visual cortices.
The fibers of the corpus callosum run from one hemisphere to the other, connecting the same areas, enabling cooperation between them. This is significant because the corpus callosum plays a vital role in the functioning of the brain as a whole.
However, early childhood traumas can impact the development of the corpus callosum. Individuals who have experienced childhood trauma may exhibit structural abnormalities in the corpus callosum, which can have long-term consequences for brain function.
Considering the significant role of the corpus callosum, there is a considerable amount of research on the impact of stress on its development. There are hypotheses suggesting that early exposure to stress may lead to disruptions in the division of glial cells, which are crucial for the formation of myelin sheaths in the central nervous system.
There are several reasons that may explain the impact of trauma on the left hemisphere of the brain:
1. Similarity to children: Similar to children, adults who have experienced violence in childhood may show a lower level of left hemisphere maturity, as observed in studies using electroencephalography (EEG).
2. Inheritance hypothesis: Abnormalities in the functioning of the left hemisphere may be inherited and associated with an increased risk of violence from parents or relatives.
3. Traumatic hypothesis: Abnormalities in the functioning of the left hemisphere may be secondary to physical injuries. Right-handed adults are more likely to strike a child on the left side of the head, which may lead to disturbances in this part of the brain.
4. Verbal hypothesis: Verbal insults may inhibit the development of the left hemisphere, which may be one of the factors influencing its functioning.
5. Time of traumatic event hypothesis: The time at which a child experiences a traumatic event may be significant for the development of brain hemispheres. Intensive growth of the right hemisphere occurs from birth to around the 5th month of life, followed by intensive growth of the left hemisphere from the 6th month of life to the 3rd year of life. Therefore, stress during the period of intense growth of a specific hemisphere may have a greater impact on its functioning.
6. Hypothesis of asymmetric distribution of neurotransmitter systems: Early stress may activate neurotransmitter systems such as noradrenaline, adrenaline, dopamine, and serotonin, which have asymmetric distribution in the brain. Their excessive activation may disrupt brain development, especially in the left hemisphere.
All of these hypotheses suggest that traumatic experiences in childhood can have a long-term impact on the development and functioning of the left hemisphere of the brain, which may manifest in various psychological and emotional disorders in individuals affected by trauma.

Myelination: A Key Process in Brain Development:
The brain, our most complex organ, is the source of our thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and all life experiences. Its structure is intricate and fascinating, and its development is a process that occurs at various levels from conception to adulthood. One of the key aspects of this development is myelination, the process of creating a myelin sheath around neurons' axons. It is thanks to myelin that our brain can function efficiently, transmitting nerve signals quickly and accurately.
How does myelination occur?
The formation of myelin begins even prenatally, but the main influx of this process occurs during infancy and childhood. Myelin, mainly composed of fats, serves as a specific electrical insulator, speeding up the conduction of nerve signals. This allows our brain to quickly process information, control movements, register stimuli from the environment, and much more. As myelin grows around axons, communication between neurons becomes increasingly efficient. The process of myelination is complex and depends on the activity of glial cells, such as oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system (CNS) and Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system (PNS). These cells produce myelin and wrap around axons, forming this protective layer. However, myelination can be disrupted by various factors, such as genetic defects, nutritional deficiencies, infections, or early childhood traumas. Defects in myelination can lead to serious neurological disorders, such as multiple sclerosis, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, or myelin deficiencies in preterm infants, highlighting the importance of this process for brain health and function.
The importance of myelination for brain development and function:
Myelination is of fundamental importance for the proper development and functioning of the brain. Early stages of brain development are particularly sensitive to this process, and defects can lead to serious consequences. Simply being neglected as a newborn—deprived of sufficient physical and emotional closeness—can disrupt the process of myelination, resulting in poorer brain development.
In children who experienced molestation or neglect, the corpus callosum was 17% smaller compared to the control group without traumatic experiences. Among psychiatric patients who hadn't experienced violence or neglect, the corpus callosum was 11% smaller. Sexual abuse appeared to be the strongest factor influencing the reduction of the corpus callosum size in girls, while neglect was a stronger factor in boys.
This reminds us of how important it is to understand and support this process, especially during developmental periods. Myelination is crucial for learning, memory, motor coordination, and many other aspects of brain function, highlighting the significance of this issue for our overall health.

Impact of Trauma on Brain Structures: Complex Consequences:
Trauma, regardless of its nature, can have a profound impact on brain structures and its functioning. Exposure to chronic stress and traumatic experiences can lead to various changes in individual parts of the brain, which can significantly affect an individual's ability to function in daily life. Let's examine how traumatic experiences can affect neurons, axons, dendrites, synapses, glial cells, the cerebellum, the hippocampus, the prefrontal cortex, the amygdala, and the corpus callosum, and what the consequences of these changes may be for psychological and emotional functioning.
1. Neurons: Traumatic experiences can lead to changes in the structure and functioning of neurons. Exposure to stress can result in a decrease in the number of dendrites and the complexity of synaptic connections, limiting the neurons' ability to communicate and integrate signals. These changes can impact learning processes, memory, and emotion regulation.
2. Axons: Trauma can cause damage to the myelin sheath around axons, leading to disruptions in nerve impulse conduction. This can result in slowed transmission of information and disturbances in motor coordination and sensory perception.
3. Dendrites: Exposure to stress can lead to a reduction in dendrite density and complexity, affecting neurons' ability to integrate signals from other cells. Changes in dendrites may contribute to difficulties in learning, memory, and emotion regulation.
4. Synapses: Trauma can lead to changes in the number and function of synapses, affecting information processing and signal transmission between neurons. Synaptic disturbances can result in difficulties in emotion regulation, sensory integration, and decision-making.
5. Glial cells: Stress and traumatic experiences can lead to activation and changes in the functioning of glial cells. Disruptions in glial cells may lead to deficits in myelin production and disturbances in regulating the neuronal environment, which can impact the functioning of the entire nervous system.
6. Hippocampus: Stress and traumatic experiences can lead to changes in the structure and functioning of the hippocampus. Defects in the hippocampus can result in difficulties in forming new memories and processing spatial information, leading to deficits in memory and adaptive functioning. The critical period includes early childhood and adolescence.
7. Prefrontal Cortex: Trauma can affect the functioning of the prefrontal cortex, manifesting in difficulties in executive functions such as planning, decision-making, and impulse control. Changes in the prefrontal cortex can lead to deficits in emotion regulation and problems with social adaptation. The critical period for prefrontal cortex development occurs during adolescence.
8. Amygdala: Stress and traumatic experiences can lead to excessive activation of the amygdala, leading to hypersensitivity to threatening stimuli and difficulties in emotion regulation, especially fear and aggression-related reactions. Defects in amygdala functioning can also affect the formation of emotional memory and learning processes. The critical period mainly occurs in early childhood and adolescence.
9. Corpus Callosum: Defects in the corpus callosum can lead to difficulties in cooperation between both brain hemispheres, resulting in difficulties in information processing and coordination of actions. These disturbances can also affect cognitive functioning and the ability to integrate sensory and motor functions. The critical period for the corpus callosum is mainly in early childhood. In soldiers with PTSD, the corpus callosum shows reduced integration between hemispheres.
In neurobiological terms, chronic stress associated with traumatic experiences can lead to changes in brain functioning. Excessive exposure to cortisol and adrenaline can affect brain structures such as the hippocampus, responsible for emotion regulation and memory. A decrease in hippocampal volume is observed, which may contribute to difficulties in coping with emotions and forming lasting memories. Moreover, trauma can lead to excessive activation of the amygdala, which, in turn, may increase anxiety and aggressive reactions.

Diversity of Trauma Consequences by Gender and Age:
It's evident that traumatic experiences in childhood can affect brain development differently depending on the child's gender and age. Girls who have been victims of sexual abuse often struggle with regulating emotions and behaviors. They may experience chronic issues with trust in others and suffer from low self-esteem. Research suggests that for girls, sexual trauma can impact their long-term social and emotional functioning, leading to difficulties in building healthy interpersonal relationships. Additionally, they may have an increased vulnerability to mental disorders such as depression and anxiety.
On the other hand, boys who have experienced physical and emotional violence often exhibit difficulties in controlling aggressive reactions. This trauma can lead to problems in academic and social functioning. Boys may struggle with accepting authority figures and building healthy relationships with peers and adults. Studies indicate that trauma in boys can lead to an increase in risky behaviors, such as substance abuse or criminal activity.
In maltreated children, the brain develops 7% smaller than in their peers. Children experiencing physical violence are best at recognizing anger, while neglected children have difficulty recognizing all emotions.
Effective Therapeutic Interventions: Considering Individual Differences:
In light of this information, it's crucial to provide effective support and therapeutic interventions for individuals affected by trauma. Support should be based on a comprehensive assessment of the individual's needs, considering individual differences as well as gender and age-related aspects of traumatic experience. Therapies should focus not only on processing trauma but also on building coping skills in challenging situations, fostering healthy interpersonal relationships, and reducing negative behaviors. It's also important to implement preventive measures, such as educating and supporting parents and promoting environments conducive to the development of healthy coping mechanisms.
More information:
Neuropsychology of PTSD: Biological, Cognitive, and Clinical Perspectives, Jennifer J. Vasterling, Chris Brewin